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Eating for Health and Strength: The Fundamentals

Concerning calories It’s the quality of food you eat and the metabolic effect they have on your body that is important, not necessarily the amount of calories. Different people will have different caloric requirements, based on their activity levels. When you eat...

R.I.C.E. Therapy for Injuries

RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. This is a technique used to accelerate the healing process for injuries that involve edema, swelling, and or contusion. Ice plays a direct role in the reduction of edema and treating injury. The physiological...

Weight Loss

BioMechanix Strength & Conditioning Clinic Weight Loss. Are you tired of being out of shape and overweight? At BioMechanix our clients come for many reasons and weight loss is among the top of them. Some of the biggest and common mistakes people make on their...