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-How to Kinesio Tape for SI Joint Pain

-How to Kinesio Tape for an Ankle Sprain

Step 1: Since this Kinesiology taping is on the clients leg, you will need to remove any hair that will prevent the tape from sticking.
Step 2:
Once the hair is removed, disinfect and clean the area of taping. This will make the RockTape adhere better because the skin will be free of oils and dirt.
Step 3: Measure the tape so you don’t have any excess. You don’t want to be wasting tape you might need. Trim the tape so the ends don’t get caught on any clothing, then fork the tape into finger like strips to drain edema or swelling.
Step 4: Rip the backing and anchor the tape right above the Fibula.
Step 5: Once anchored, apply the tape with little to no stretch over the area of swelling. Continue to tape from the fibula area down towards the toes.
Step 6: Apply second piece of edema tape and anchor on the Achilles Tendon right next to the Fibula.
Step 7: Apply tape diagonally on top of the first edema tape. Again this tape gets little to no stretch.
Step 8: For the ankle inversion sprain, anchor the tape on the inside of the lower Tibia. Then as you’re bringing the tape down, extend the tape over the Lateral Malleolus.
Step 9: Have client place foot into inversion and plantar flexion. Then send the tape up the outer side of leg and anchor it there. Almost directly across from the anchor point in step 8.
Step 10: Apply the RockTape RockSauce due to the inflammation, about 5 small dollops, then rub thoroughly on tape and on skin.

-How to Kinesiology Tape AC Impingement/Scapular Stability/Rotator Cuff

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping. This will remove dirt and oils for the tape to adhere better.
Step 2: Measure the tape so you don’t have any excess. No need to waste tape.
Step 3: Trim the edges and fork the tape. Trim so the ends won’t get caught on any clothing.
Step 4: Apply the tape and anchor it just below the medial head of the deltoid. Then wrap one fork posterior the shoulder and one anterior the shoulder with little to no stretch.
Step 5: Apply decompression tape on AC joint with 100% stretch.
Step 6: Measure, cut, and trim new piece of tape starting just to the left of clients spine up towards shoulder.
Step 7: Apply tape with 10% stretch onto his rotator cuff muscle. Apply second piece of tape, also with 10% stretch, anchored just below the last tape next to spine. Pull tape towards shoulder onto the front part of his deltoid.
Step 9: Apply topical analgesic, or the RockTape RockSauce, onto areas of pain. Rub sauce and tape thoroughly to ensure it stays on.

-How to Kinesiology Tape Your Achilles Tendon

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Measure the tape so you don’t have any tape being wasted.
Step 3: Trim the edges to prevent from rubbing off on clothing. Then fork the tape directly down the center.
Step 4: Apply tape on the bottom of clients heel. Then pull to 100% stretch over the Achilles Tendon and anchor it mid calf. Fork the tape up the left and the right side of the leg.
Step 5: Apply tape for de-compression directly over the Achilles Tendon with 100% stretch. Apply second piece of decompression tape directly above the previous one.
Step 6: Rub tape thoroughly to activate tape adhesive.

-How to Kinesiology Tape for Lateral Knee Pain

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Measure the tape so you don’t have any tape being wasted.
Step 3: Trim the edges to prevent from rubbing off on clothing.
Step 4: Apply tape with 100% stretch directly over the lateral collateral ligament. Apply two more pieces with 100% stretch forming a start like pattern. All three pieces are approximately 3-4 inches in length.
Step 5: Rub tape thoroughly to ensure it stays on.

-How to Kinesiology Tape for Plantar Fasciitis

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: While lying in a prone position have the client pull their toe into Dorsi-Flexion.
Step 3: Measure the tape so you don’t have any tape being wasted.
Step 4: Trim the edges to prevent from rubbing off on clothing.
Step 5: Apply tape on the bottom of foot while being in Dorsi-Flexion with 0% stretch.
Step 6: Apply decompression tape from the outside of the foot in towards the arch. This piece gets 0-50% stretch, but I prefer giving it some stretch.

-How to Kinesiology Tape for Sciatica

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Measure the tape so you don’t have any tape being wasted.
Step 3: Trim the edges to prevent from rubbing off on clothing.
Step 4: Have client pull foot towards shin (Dorsi- Flexion) to elongate posterior leg musculature.
Step 5: Apply stability tape on the back of the leg. Anchor tape at top of thigh and run inferior, extending as far as the symptoms travel. This tape gets 0% stretch.
Step 6: Apply decompression tape to areas of acute pain. These pieces receive 50% stretch with 0% stretch on the ends.
Step 7: Apply the RockTape RockSauce, approximately 10 dollops, over the entirety of the tape.
Step 8: Rub tape thoroughly to ensure it activates the adhesive and stays on.

-Kinesiology Taping for Patellar Tendinitis

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Place knee at 90 degrees of flexion or greater.
Step 3: Measure the tape before applying to avoid wasting tape.
Step 4: Trim the edges to avoid getting caught on any clothing.
Step 5: Apply tape with 10% stretch while anchoring the tape right below the Patellar Tendon. Wrap one piece up the left side anchoring mid thigh and one up the right anchoring mid thigh. Apply decompression tape directly over Patellar Tendon with 100% stretch.
Step 6: Be sure to rub the tape thoroughly to ensure it stays on.

-Kinesiology Taping for Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Apply topical analgesic or RockTape RockSauce.
Step 3: Measure the tape so you don’t have any excess.
Step 4: Fold the tape in half and trim the edges to prevent getting caught on clothing.
Step 5: Have client pull hand up into flexion and in towards body to stretch the skin in order for the tape to stick better.
Step 6: Apply tape with 0% stretch. Then apply decompression tape directly over the Medial Epicondyle with a 65% stretch.
Step 7: Rub tape thoroughly so it stays on, but also to activate the adhesive inside the Kinesiology tape.

-How to Kinesiology Tape for Edema

Step 1: Disinfect area of taping to ensure the tape adheres properly.
Step 2: Measure the tape so you don’t have any tape being wasted.
Step 3: Trim the edges to avoid getting caught on any clothing.
Step 4: Cut tape into multiple strips (6) to where it almost resembles a squid like pattern.
Step 5: Apply tape while anchoring on the lower end of the trapezius muscle. Continue by pulling each strip down the shoulder tapping it on with no stretch. This will mimic the capillary system and help with lymphatic drainage. Apply second piece of edema tape anchored next to the first on the scapula area and run diagonal across the first tape.
Step 6: Apply the RockTape RockSauce and rub the tape thoroughly to ensure it from peeling off too soon.

-What is Kinesiology Taping?

Developed back in 1973 by the Dr Kenzo Kase who is a Japanese Chiropractor. The tape itself is a light elastic cotton blend that is non restrictive, its breathable, it’s water proof and can be worn generally up to 4-6 days. It’s only in the last 5-6 years that it became popular, and that was because of the summer Olympics. There were a lot of athletes running around with it on and many people were wondering what is that? It’s predominately used for Edema or Swelling, Lymphatic Drainage, inhibit Muscle Movement, and correcting BioMechanical Movement. With the taping, it’s really important that you understand how to apply it, because if you have no knowledge or experience putting the tape on it won’t work. I would highly recommend seeing a health practitioner who knows how to put tape on who’s certified. I am certified through KT Tape as a full body therapeutic expert, as well as certified RockDoc through RockTape. If you are in need of getting any Kinesiology Taping or Personal Training Please contact us at 310-721-1774.

Rates for Kinesiology Taping

$15.00 per taping, for each condition being treated, and $5.00 for each additional taping per condition, on the same visit. Call BioMechanix now at (310) 837-0512 for an appointment.

Kinesiology Taping Applications

Kinesiology Tape is ideal for use while training or performing specific events to help with joint stability and manage discomfort. It is completely waterproof and can be kept on for up to five days.  BioMechanix Strength & Conditioning Clinic preferred brand of kinesiology tape is Rock Tape.

Many of the applications for Kinesiology Taping include:

  • Reduce edema-ecchymossis
  • Lymphatic drainage
  • Epicondylitis
  • Plantar Faciitis
  • Osteo Arthritis
  • Carpel tunnel syndrome
  • De Quervan’s syndrome
  • Osgood-Schlatter’s syndrome
  • Tendonitis
  • Back and sacral discomfort
  • Muscle facilitation-inhibition
  • Decrease muscle and joint pain
  • Improve joint range of motion (ROM)
  • Improve joint stability